Tag Archives: National Sea Rescue Institute

National Sea Rescue Institute Teaches Water Safety to Students

National Sea Rescue Institute
Image: sasar.gov.za

Laurence Grigorov has served as executive director of the residential property development firm Laurence Martin Developments (LMD) in Johannesburg, South Africa, since 2004. In addition to overseeing project management for turnkey residential developments, Laurence Grigorov supports charitable groups such as the National Sea Rescue Institute.

Fully operated by volunteers, the National Sea Rescue Institute aims to prevent drowning along the South African coast and on inland dams. In addition to performing rescues, the organization implements preventive measures and educates the public on water safety and emergency procedures.

The National Sea Rescue Institute visits schools around the country, focusing on underserved communities, to provide life-saving information about topics such as emergency signage, rip currents, and basic CPR. The program utilizes entertaining interactive methods to teach students how to avoid problems in the water, as well as how to handle various emergencies. Since the school program’s establishment in 2006, it has taught more than two million students valuable water safety skills.

Ways to Support the National Sea Rescue Institute


Laurence Martin Developments pic
Laurence Martin Developments
Image: laurencemartin.co.za

Laurence Grigorov brings over two decades of business leadership experience to his role as the director of Laurence Martin Developments in Johannesburg, South Africa. Beyond his professional pursuits, Laurence Grigorov supports organizations such as the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI).

With a history dating back to 1967, NSRI performs water rescues and promotes water safety awareness in South Africa. To continue its programs and activities, the organization relies on the ongoing support of corporations and individuals.

Those looking to advance NSRI’s mission can do so by making a credit card donation at the organization’s online payment portal or by signing up for its annual membership program, which comes with a subscription to Sea Rescue magazine. NSRI has also partnered with GivenGain and SnapScan to provide other convenient payment options for its supporters.

To provide an incentive for donations, NSRI has a drawing that awards cash each month to a monthly supporter. For more information, visit http://www.nsri.org.za.